2/23/2025 6:14 PM
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How can I print my statement?

Printing a statement is very simple. Follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Web page that has a link to download the statement. This page could be Your Account Page  or the Statement History Page.
  2. Select "View" to download the form in PDF format. The statement will be displayed on the screen.
  3. Click on the Print button to print the statement. The Print button is located on the left side of the Acrobat Reader's tool bar. This bar is located right above the PDF statement. The Print button is identified by the image of a printer. If you're using a screen reader, you may find the Print button by its description which is: "Print".

    Note: Do not use the Print button on your Web browser's tool bar to print the statements. Always use the Acrobat Reader button to print PDF statements.